'Sail' Therapy
Sail Therapy
Sail Therapy is offered to couples, as well as families.
It has been said that good actions lead to good thinking more often than good thinking leads to good actions. Being in a situation where working together is necessary sets the stage for working through family issues.
After a few introductory sessions, the work is done aboard a sailboat and every participant becomes a member of the crew. During the first phase everyone learns the functions necessary to sail the vessel. Then, under my supervision, we rotate positions so each person does each job – including being the skipper.
Sailing requires a high level of cooperation and communication. The first few rotations can be wildly disorganized, as the normal family roles are temporarily done away with and people experience each other in an entirely new way.
Relationship patterns that are counterproductive emerge very plainly during this period. As we move through these issues, awkwardness and resistance give way to enthusiasm. We know there is good progress being made when everyone is having fun.
For more details on Sail Therapy, please contact me.
Link to video of practice: